Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 review: My RX-78 Beats Your Zaku

“Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2” is the second “Dynasty Warriors” spin off that places thousands of computer controlled opponents against your Gundam. “Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2” has new gundams up to “Gundam Seed Destiny” and builds on the strengths and weakness of “Dynasty Warriors Gundam.”  

Battles are either on land or in space, and the levels have some variety. Gameplay is similar to other “Dynasty Warriors” titles and involves completing objectives and taking enemy commands points, or taking out select officers. “Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2” is a “hack and slash” game and players will spend hours pressing the attack buttons. 

One new feature in “Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2” is boss fights. This brings some new light to the “Dynasty Warriors” series, but falls short because it pairs players with another officer or players have to do escort missions. Unfortunately, the computer AI charges straight into the boss’s SP attacks which usually kills them instantly and forces players to start from the mission’s beginning. This is a possible hour or more setback.

The two main game modes are official and mission mode. Official Mode follows the anime’s storyline of certain characters, while mission mode has an original storyline for each character. Mission mode has a large number of  characters to choose from and a wide variety of gundams from the anime. Fans of the anime will appreciate the irony in beating levels and officers with weaker units from the anime.

“Dynasty Warriors 2” offers four difficulty settings. Each difficulty adds a new layer to combat by making enemies have more health, deal more damage and work together to attack in groups.

While “Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2” has a few control options, the standard layout is easiest to learn. The controls are similar to other “Dynasty Warriors” titles with the exception of pressing X for a quick dash to avoid enemies. After enough kills or getting an item, pressing circle will activate each gundams’ unique SP attack.

The music is very good and the developers have integrated the music into combat so players can almost tell when something is about to change for better or worse. The music may be repetitive, but it’s tolerable. Even if you do not understand gundam, it’s not enough to ruin the enjoyment of blasting thousands of robots while watching red dots on radar slowly disappear behind SP attacks. However, music played during menu screens are the same and gets old fast. 

“Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2” is a great edition to the “Dynasty Warriors” series and captures what Koei was trying to sell with the original. There are also more missions available via download on the  PlayStation Network. Mission mode, co-op and trophies will have players sitting for hours trying to unlock everything. While the game might not be for those who have never understood the anime or dislike repeated gameplay, “Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2” is a great game for gundam fans. If you have not bought it then maybe it’s time to pick it up.

Rating: B-
Platform: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 & 2
Price: $59.99, 29.99
ESRB: T for Teen
Pub: Koei
Dev: Omega Force
Players: 1-2

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